Book of daniel prophecy 69 weekend

But the history of israel and jerusalem is determined to be 70 weeks so there is one week 7 years remaining. Several bible translations note that these are, not. This is prophetic compression, where the time gap between one prophecy in. Daniels prophecy of 70 weeks foretells the messiahs arrival bible. Daniel s prophecy of 69 weeks was fulfilled when jesus of nazareth was baptized in a. Jesus fulfilled daniels prophecy by being crucified supported by numerous sources. Daniels 70th week, the end times endtimes seventieth week. This, then, is the famous number which sir robert anderson arrived at for the 69 weeks as set forth in his celebrated book. Probably no single prophetic utterance is more crucial in the fields of biblical interpretation, apologetics, and eschatology.

Jesus fulfilled daniel s prophecy by being crucified supported by numerous sources. Such exciting end of theworld and rapture paradigms are dearly held and difficult to change. Feb 03, 2008 this video introduces a series of narrated powerpoint presentations on the subject of the 70 weeks prophecy of daniel. The book of daniel is filled with messianic illusions and calculations that even left daniel pondering their meanings. Today, this morning the book you hold in your hands contains details of events that will happen from today through 1,007 plus years into the future.

This command went forth under king artaxerxes longimanus in the year 457 bc ezra 7. In this article, we will simplify this prediction to give you a short and easy to comprehend synopsis of one of the most amazing prophecies of the bible which proves the truth of these holy scriptures. The word translated grecia in the book of daniel is the name yavan javan, the name of a son of joktan, and of the race ionians, i. The messianic time table according to daniel the prophet jews.

The fulfilled weeks of daniel 70 weeks christian truth. The messiah foretold daniels 70 week prophecy the 70. Bible prophecy book of daniel study daniel 9 part 2 70. Consider how clearly he determines the year of manifestation. Palm sunday and daniels 70th week discover the book.

It is apparent that jesus knew and understood the book of daniel. But, eventually, we might have additional information from archaeologists and historians to help pinpoint that starting point. For more on the rebuilding, read the entire books of ezra and nehemiah. Several bible translations note that these are, not weeks of seven days, but weeks of years. A key to the visions and prophecies of the book of daniel. The very brief but famous prophecy of the seventy weeks, recorded in daniel 9. Of all the controversial topics found in the bible, none other has been so abused or misunderstood than the prophecy known as daniel s 70 weeks. What does the 2,300 day prophecy of daniel 8 have to do. The book of daniel is the book of revelation in the old testament because it is an excellent prediction of the coming of jesus christ, the messiah and the triumph of his messianic kingdom.

When jesus came the first time, the wise men of the day were aware of his soon arrival and they were actively looking for him. The last of the 70 weeks of daniel, the last 7 years also known as the 70th week, is yet to be fulfilled, and will be soon. There was a 7 year period between the death of christ and the time the gospel was sent out to the gentiles at the calling of cornelius. Daniel indicates how long the time period leading to the arrival of messiah the leader would last. I encourage everyone to read this book even nonchristians. In dreams and visions the prophet daniel saw amazing scenes of the future of the world. In these videos on the prophecies of daniel, ive tried to recreate visually what daniel saw and to explain it in a way which has been broadly accepted by students of bible prophecy for many centuries. In the concluding four verses of daniel 9, one of the most. Daniel s 70 weeks the most amazing prophecy in scripture by dr.

The time it takes to rebuild jerusalem since the time the babylonians had destroyed it daniel 9. The second notable book is the chronological aspects of the life of christ, authored by harold hoehner. According to daniels 70 weeks prophecy, the date that the messiah would appear was 69 weeks or 483 years from the day the decree was given to restore jerusalem and build the second temple in jerusalem. If the book of daniel was a fraudulent production, christ was either ignorant of the matter, or dishonest about the prophecys authorship.

It is daniels detailed accuracy in his prophecies that has caused many. Daniel 7 is the old testament chapter that most thoroughly prepares us for the book of revelation. Gabriel came to daniel with a prophetic revelation. Oct 25, 2017 prophecy charts showing timebased bible prophecies from the books of daniel and revelation. The paperback of the daniel s prophecy of the 70 weeks by alva j. Products archive page 16 of 69 the prophecy watchers. Charts include studies on the rapture and great tribulation. Is the date analysis of sir robert anderson correct in his book the coming prince. The first important book is the coming prince, authored by sir robert anderson.

Jews for judaism daniel 9 a true biblical interpretation. Just as military planners send secret messages in code to keep the enemy from intercepting and understanding them, so god has cloaked prophecy in symbolic language. So verse 24 has set the goals of the 70 week prophecy of daniel. Daniels prophecy of the 70 weeks christian book distributors. It cannot be overemphasized how relevant this book is to our current generation. In the bible, the prophecy of seventy weeks is a prophecy given to daniel by the angel gabriel.

The 2300day prophecy, of which the 70week prophecy is a small part, was to begin at the command that effected the restoration of jerusalem. Three events between the 69 th and 70 th week of daniel. If you remember from our past study that we learned the book of revelation is very much about our lord jesus christ. Kotzebue at the slamtastic volleyball tournament held last weekend. This model is popular in modern evangelical christendom.

It located the most of its predictions within well defined prophetic periods, though reaching many centuries into the future. The bible gives the length of a year as consisting of 360 days. The church, however, rarely explained the seventy weeks prophecy of daniel 9. According to daniel s 70 weeks prophecy, the date that the messiah would appear was 69 weeks or 483 years from the day the decree was given to restore jerusalem and build the second temple in jerusalem. Did jesus confirm his covenant of love and mercy with daniel s people for 7 years. Daniel on the last days last days mystery prophecy. Let us turn now to focus in on those first 69 weeks of the seventy weeks of daniel. This is a direct continuation from the fulfilled weeks of daniel 70 weeks. The 70 weeks of daniel page 2 daniels 70 week prophecy. The end of the seven weeks and threescore and two weeks 69 weeks will be marked by the appearance of messiah as the prince of israel dan. Jesus life meets daniel s prophecy about a messiah that would be killed. Yet in chapter 12 of the book of daniel, we see that this prophecy was not to be known.

This is a parallel prophecy of daniel 2, where we saw the different parts of nebuchadnezzars image representing the four main kingdoms of the world, plus the divided kingdom which is the time we live in now the feet. This exposition presents a proof of how the 69 weeks prophecy of daniel 9. The book of daniel is a study, a commentary of the book of daniel in the bible. The prophecy of the end times and at that time michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people. But the parts daniel himself was most desirous to know about are for the endtime soon to come. And at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who shall be found written in the book. Prophecies of daniel prophecies fulfilled, and yet to be. Daniel s prophecies are in many respects the most remarkable of any in the sacred record and is the most comprehensive. It no doubt would be of interest to some that jews for jesus, also known as messianic jews, printed a book telling how a number of jews came to believe in jesus as the messiah.

It was the first prophecy giving a consecutive history of the world from that time to the end. End of days bible study of the prophet daniel by h. My conclusions about daniel s 69 weeks of years perhaps we cant all agree, at this time, on every specific detail involved in calculating a starting point for daniel s prophecy about the 69 weeks of years. The prophet daniel predicted the coming of the messiah jesus christ in a prophecy that has been called the 70 weeks prophecy. We previously read how spanish jesuit francisco ribera wrote fictional prophecy with the sole purpose of taking the attention off the papal church after they had been identified as antichrist with the protestant reformation.

The timeline of the 69 weeks of biblical 360 day years, 173,880 days, fits perfectly. If the book of daniel was a fraudulent production, christ was either ignorant of the matter, or dishonest about the prophecy s authorship. Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall. It is at this point that we are told what the ending point is of the 69. So, i thought we would take a look at the 70 week prophecy of daniel regarding the life of jesus here on this earth. What makes this prophecy so remarkable is that it is a specific time prophecy that deals with both the first and second comings of jesus christ. This is the first of two videos on daniel chapter 9. Did jesus confirm his covenant of love and mercy with daniels people for 7 years. Each verse and each sentence is dissected to unveil great prophesies which are coming to fruition today. It focuses on the parts of the 70 weeks prophecy, revealed by the angel gabriel, which have already been fulfilled, concentrating mainly on verses 24 to 26. We looked last time at daniel s 70 weeks something that has been called the backbone of bible prophecy. The brief but wellknown prophecy of the seventy weeks recorded in daniel 9. Daniels 70 week prophecy that is also known as the prophecy of weeks explained with all the date evidence and bible truth on the 70 weeks of daniel. Especially in the world tomorrow broadcasts, the church focused on nebuchadnezzars image daniel 2, the beasts that represent world empires daniel 7, and the symbols and time frame of the book of revelation.

The 69th week closes with messiah the prince being cutoff, but the 70 weeks are not. If the 70th week of daniel is reckoned as 7 years of 360 days then we must conclude that the first 69 weeks of the seventy weeks of daniel will be the same. It is the best book i have read on the book of daniel. The amazing detail of this prophecy is that god told him the very day of christs entry. Jesus life meets daniels prophecy about a messiah that would be killed. Josephus believes the little horn of daniel 8 who was to make war on the jewish nation was antiochus epiphanes antiquities book 10. So, the easiest way to unravel this prophecy is to first convert this prophecy into days. Four of those folks described how the prophecy of daniel 9. Prophecy charts showing timebased bible prophecies from the books of daniel and revelation. The prophecy divides up these 490 years in a handful of ways.

The prophecy mentions 7 weeks, also 62 weeks a total of 69 weeks. In the first chapter i learned something that i had never seen or paid attention to when i read daniel from the bible. He used them so the evil powers he exposed wouldnt readily see themselves in the messages and attempt to tamper with them, change them, or destroy them. Since the first 69 weeks of daniel were subject to literal fulfillment, it is a powerful argument that the final seventieth week will have a similar fulfillment. The book of daniel has been under attack for centuries as not being authentic. But foretelling the future is not difficult for god. Daniel s visions were given for those living at the time of the end. Daniel 2, 7, 9, 12 the coming of messiah the prince. The teachers of the law should have known the year of the messiahs appearing, because of the prophecy spoken by the angel of the lord, regarding the 69 weeks. How daniels prophecy foretells the messiahs arrival. Over the centuries scholars have proposed dozens of competing interpretations of these challenging verses, especially daniel s prophecy of the 70 weeks.

This takes us on to the prophecy of daniel in chapter 7. This is by far the most important bible prophecy of all. Any person who teaches bible prophecy should be very very careful. A time designated for waiting for the anointed one to come daniel 9. Based on daniel, after the messiahs death, jerusalem and the temple were to be destroyed. He also sees the romans as the fourth world empire. Let us take a look again at our scripture and in particular. The book of daniel is unsealing middle east and prophecy. Daniels prophecy of 69 weeks was fulfilled when jesus of nazareth was baptized in a. The imagery, information, characters and timing found in daniel 7 are all seen more fully in revelation.

That is to say, the fulfillment of the vision of daniel took place in the year a. The daniel prophecies gods plan for the last days book. I enjoyed your analysis at prophecy of daniels 70 weeks. In more mundane language, it is an account of the activities and visions of daniel, a noble jew exiled at babylon, its message being that just as the god of israel saved daniel and his friends from their enemies, so. There is one week 7 years of this prophecy still to come. And there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time.

The mysterious 70week prophecy recorded by the prophet daniel has baffled bible scholars and theologians for centuries. Because of the many intricate components of the prophecy in daniel 11, some scholars have suggested that the book of daniel was written several hundred years later, during the 160s b. The wise will diligently search the word of the lord and ask for wisdom in order to understand gods plan as outlined in daniel s five visions. The passage states that from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. Theologians have added up the dates for the first 69 weeks. This is biblically accurate, yet radically novel, interpretation of daniel s 70 weeks. Alva mcclains book daniel s prophecy of the 70 weeks makes sense for many if the word of god is interpreted through the grid of dispensationalism, and forced to fit it. Such exciting endoftheworld and rapture paradigms are dearly held and difficult to change. The clarence larkin package 6 classic books by clarence larkin. The fact that this prophecy of seventy weeks was fulfilled to the very day on the enoch calendar, which has only been understood recently, is a convincing vindication of the book s validity. The first 69 weeks of daniel 70 weeks prophecy were fulfilled with the cutting off of messiah jesus. The book of daniel is a 2ndcentury bc biblical apocalypse combining a prophecy of history with an eschatology a portrayal of end times cosmic in scope and political in focus. He will confirm a covenant with many for one seven. He used them so the evil powers he exposed wouldnt readily.

Many have attempted to identify the beginning and ending dates of this prophecy using a continuous timeline from past benchmark dates. From this starting point, we can determine all the other time markers of the prophecy. The bill salus dvd collection 6 dvds with a free book and bonus dvd free shipping in the usa. A key to the visions and prophecies of the book of daniel gaebelein, arno clemens on. In the bible, the prophecy of seventy weeks chapter 9 of the book of daniel is a prophecy given to daniel by the angel gabriel in response to daniel s prayer for god to act on behalf of his people and city i. This means a prophecy given to daniel back in the third or second early century. Products archive page 9 of 69 the prophecy watchers. An incredibly specific 483 year length of time was revealed to daniel that would pass between the commandment to restore jerusalem and messiah the prince daniel 9. These things cyrus knew from reading the book of prophecy which isaiah had left behind two hundred and ten years earlier antiquities book 11. This brings us to daniels 70 th week, a key to understanding the last days and the return of christ. The book of daniel refers to the abomination of desolation in four chapters. The bible uses 360 day years for prophecies and expects us to add the appropriate leap months on schedule.

Seventieth week of daniel 70 weeks christian truth center. Because this great prophecy of daniel has already been partly fulfilled in precise accuracy concerning the first coming of jesus christ, we can rest. The clarence larkin package 6 books the prophecy watchers. But the history of israel and jerusalem is determined to be 70 weeks for god to accomplish his plan as seeing in dan 9. He didnt use symbols to prevent us from understanding his messages. Daniels prophecy of the 70 weeks the prophecy watchers.

God enabled daniel to see not just into the future of his own jewish people, but all. Clarence larkin was a prophetic visionaryhe was one of the first of the oldtime theologians who saw the literal fulfillment of the jewish people returning to their land. Of all the controversial topics found in the bible, none other has been so abused or misunderstood than the prophecy known as daniels 70 weeks. The death of messiah and the coming world ruler book of daniel bible study chapter 9 part 3 daniel s 70 weeks. Description daniels prophecy of the 70 weeks by alva j. There is no other messianic prophecy that so perfectly foretells the coming of christ and the year of his baptism and crucifixion. There is a strong enmity between the greeks christian orthodox and the turks muslims that goes back to the conquest of constantinople istanbul and the rise of the ottoman empire. What other books daniel may have been studying we cannot know with certainty. Two notable books have been published on daniels prophecy of 70 weeks and the death of the messiah predicted in daniel 9. But endtimes prophecy is not just a christian thing. The angel informs him that seventy weeks have been decreed for them, and then gives a detailed but cryptic description of those weeks. What is the correct calculation of daniels 69 weeks. The prophet daniel said more specific things about the end times than any other old testament prophet. God dispatched gabriel to tell daniel that jesus christ would enter jerusalem as king 500 years in the future.

In either case, if he misstated the matter regarding daniel, his claim of being the son of god would be nullified. This book is more like a commentary on the book of daniel and then some. You know, for religious fanatics and other societal oddballs. At least the last 63 weeks, if not all the 70, are yet to occur in the future. One of the most profound prophecies in all of scripture must be his 70 weeks prophecy in daniel chapter 9. Additionally, a large proportion of the book is written in aramaic rather than the traditional hebrew adding to the complexity of these biblical texts.